What is it to be resilient?

The other day I got asked a question: “How resilient are you?”. The question was asked to me in a friendly environment, but it made me really start thinking. Why should anyone be asked to be resilient in the modern business environment? How can it even be an option to be resilient? Why should it be a trait to be resilient? Nothing in life should be about being resilient and nothing, I repeat nothing, in business should be so.

Business shall be about making money. Nothing more, nothing less. You can decide if you want to make that money in a decent manner or if you want to make that money in a dirty manner. That is completely up to you as an entrepreneur. The bottom line however is that you try to create the best product there is, with the buying consumer in mind. You aim to get the highest possible revenue out of some sort of input. That’s business.

Goals and Measurement of Social Media

Had some fun cutting down some clips I found on YouTube tonight. As I was playing around I thought of an idea to actually try to break down what differs companies that make money and the ones that do not make money from social media. This first episode deals with the fact that you have to set up goals that are connected with your business strategy and overall business goals as well as measure how you’re moving towards these goals with the help of Social Media KPIs.

Web Analytics Wednesday presentation on Social Media Perspectives

Picture taken from another speach I made at Göteborg University to a bunch of professors.

I held a talk on social media perspectives on the 15th of April. The audience consisted of a group of web analysts engaged in the network Web analytics wednesday. Below is the presentation that I shared with them. (Now translated into English)

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The Mindset of an Online Consumer in Social Media

If you are looking to convert through social media, you have to recognize that it is a completely different task than converting traffic from a search engine.

In this post I will quickly run through two situations where the mindset of a person will enable you to make a sale through social media.

  • The must have buy
  • The viral buy

The mindset
First of all you have to take the mindset of people engaged in social media into consideration. Imagine the off line activity when you sit with your loved one in a restaurant and all of a sudden one of those flower guys shows up to harrass you.

In any circumstance other than this one you would probably flick him off and hope he/she goes to hell for intruding with a sales proposal whilst you are trying to engage in some quality time with your babe. However, you see your loved ones face, how desparately he/she wants a flower, whether or not

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